
Thursday, December 6, 2007

I'd like to start off by giving you a quick tour of our basic guitar resources. If you'll look to the right of our page you'll see two link lists: One of them is "Free Guitar Resources", and the other one is "NON-Free guitar resources," I hope the title is pretty explanatory. To start off with the "Free Guitar Resources" list, I'd like to give you a quick description of the main sites I have listed there at this point (from this point on any new links will be added to the list and in a post describing the site being linked to).

Free Guitar Resources:

Virtual Guitar Chords: This is an awesome little site where every chord known (unless it's one you made up) is listed. Wait for the chord book to load, and when it's finished play around with it by clicking on a chord on the right hand side of the guitar. You can select the root (top right) ex. C, D, F... and then the type (bottom right) ex. maj, min, maj9, sus2, etc... Once you've done that, the guitar on the left shows you the fingering (tab) for the chord selected. Now here's the really cool part: Turn your speakers up and hit "strum" on the bottom of the guitar, and it lets you hear exactly what the chord should sound like when played correctly. This site also has features that include creating and saving your own chords.

Online Guitar Tuner
: Turn the volume up on your speakers and play around with this neat device to tune your guitar. I didn't have an actual guitar tuner for the longest time and this is how I tuned it. Granted it takes some skill to listen to the tone being played when you click on the switch for each string, and then tune your guitar to that sound, but it works really well, and should only take about five minutes to get your guitar tuned to it.

(TABS) Ultimate Guitar: Any time in this list that you see (TABS) in front of the link, it indicates that this is a site where you will find great, and accurate guitar tabs for free. On the main page to Ultimate Guitar, you can search out a song you want the TAB to by typing in the name in the search bar, and then selecting to search by "artist," or "song."

(TABS) Christian Guitar Resource: For a Christian guitarist, this is a great site. It has many features, but the feature I use it most often for is the Tab Archive (second blue tab to the right).

(TABS) Christian Total Tabs
: While you must have an account to use this site, accounts are free, secure, and easy to register for. This is another great site for searching out "Christian music" only without getting results for non-Christian songs. It is a little harder to navigate because text is small, but still a nice site.

(Lessons) YouTube Guitar Lessons
: Any time you see (Lessons) in front of a link, it indicates a site that offers either written or video lessons, often times both. This site is a link to a playlist I created on YouTube where I will constantly be adding new videos of song/strumming/picking/specialized guitar lessons. Always check back for more. (A player of these videos is also located at the bottom of this page).

(Lessons) Dolphin Street
: This is a site I stumbled across by accident. The video lessons here are not as detailed, but still worthy of taking a look at. Scroll down the page to find the lessons I have linked you to.

(Lessons) Justin Guitar: While not the most professional looking of sites, Justin maintains a healthy flow of guitar lessons through linking to videos he has uploaded to YouTube. He often includes chords, and tabs to the songs he teaches. I have often found him helpful for learning specific songs. Scroll down the page to get the lessons I have linked you to. Click on Video (red) and tab (red) if available next to the song you want to hear. Beware, he has an accent and can sometimes be hard to understand, but is not too bad.

Non-Free Guitar Resources:

(Lessons) Next Level Guitar
: For a while Next Level Guitar was free, but alas, they grew too big to remain free of profit. If you are willing to pay the fee to gain membership to this site, I highly recommend it for all levels of guitar players. This site offers top-quality video lessons, written lessons, chord lessons, strumming lessons, and so much more. Friendly people and good quality make this one of my top choices for learning guitar. They also offer DVD lessons you can order packed full of lessons on how to play certain songs and on how to play guitar in general.

Well, that's all for now. From here on out whenever I link to a new site you'll see a brand new post for it. If anybody has any comments, I'd love to hear them.



Martin guitar said...

Nice blog. Update regularly and share your experiences. Keep it up man

Anonymous said...

The gods have the freedom to rapidly accelerate global warming because of unregulated Chinese industrialization. And they are using it.
Whereas US industrial regulation combined with automotive smog devices had contained emmissions, the shameful emmissions at the hand of the Italians which allocated the financing of chinese growth will ultimately kill our planet
The gods must abjectly hate the Italians:::They ruined our cultures, eliminating Old Worlds around the globe, they destroyed our societies and now they will be used to ruin the planet.
Intelligent design:::Everything the gods do has purpose. There was purpose in the Italian boot, the Scandanavian penis, the sheep of Europe and the SFBA Beast. Chinese/Asian slanted eyes is yet another. Designed to make them/some look evil, they are a warning to other races. What is occurring with enviornmental degredation is living proof and may be the reason why they have this appearance.
Never forget the shameful experience we each had in 2008 when the Chinese desperately tried to clean up the envionment in Beijing.

Recall the $5 trillion Republican scam where W set up the evil Democrats to sign the credit card receipt.
Expect some portion of the $5 trillion stolen from the United States creatively went to the Catholic Church, positioned to bitterly complain they lost their affluent white parishoners for poor Latinos and the US is all their doing anyways.
I always suspected there has been a skim on the US General Fund (1/3) all along. And the gods are using these clone host fakes to kill Planet Earth::::The puppeteer pulling the strings, ironically.

Jesus is a false god.
There is no Satan. The world around us is all the god's doing:::You have to be tested with temptation.
Christianity is a test.
Muslim misery? The gods claim they are trying to "help you". The gods control everything, choreograph all that we see, including Isreal's relationship with Palestine, an "obligation" for their money-grubbing acceptance of the Evil Empire's billions. They also control the Italians, victims of the Moorish invasion/rape of their women, positioned in charge of this false reality through Christianity.
The gods created all this to position this reality you experience today.
"Earning" is temptation. It is a lie leading people into Damnation. Any hope of the Muslim world regaining the power they once had is long since over and it will never, ever return. Their acts 0f terrorism are only hurting them in the eyes of the gods.
The gods claim they are trying to "help you", but they also stoked your pride with your regional superpower status of centuries ago, rendering their efforts today merely destructive, a very bad sign. This means the gods have major problems with your people.

I believe the gods relocated the Jews to another planet before the Holocaust began to give them additional time before Earth fell into the social decay Christianity and the United States is responsible for. I suspect this favor included some/many of the Native America peoples as well.
Unfortunately for Muslims you didn't have the favor necessary to be allowed such generosity. I believe it is due to your mysogyny, your belief women are inferior to the men. This does not include veiling, which is a positive for the people and helps maintain decency within your society.
Orthodoxy is always the best course of action because, as I have repeated, old is mostly good and a little evil, while new is mostly evil and a little good. This applies to Islam as well.

As we all become more disfavored We lose our grace with the gods and with it protection from their theater, the positioning they put in place to end on Planet Earth.
The definition of irony::::As the Muslims made the Jews feel unwelcomed in the Middle East so will the Muslims experience the same when the Italian's Chinese-based global warming makes the Middle East uninhabitable, centuries-old revenge for the Moorish invasion/rape, plus a lot of other things I suspect.

Guitar Lessons on YouTube

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